Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's been oh so long...

Well hello there!  Bet you thought I'd forgotten about you!!!  NOPE!!  Not in the least!  I mean, how could I forget you, my loyal internet readers??  No, I have simply been busy, with a side order of temperamental wifi and decrepit laptop.  That makes blog posting extremely difficult and frustrating.  Actually, it makes any internet-ing extremely difficult and frustrating so I don't go online very much (hello 144 emails in my junk mail folder and 15 friend requests on my social networking page....).

But here, finally, is a long awaited blog post.  About what, you may ask?  Well.....hmm... *looks around*.....um..... I'm currently drinking a can of Fresca.  That's right, ladies and gentlemen, FRESCA!!!  Not coke?   Nope!  Not. Coke.  It seems that the grocery store played a cruel trick on me and sold out of coke. So I bought Fresca.  It's got less calories, and as I'm trying to be more "healthy" *rolls eyes* so I guess that the grocery store was thinking in my best interests?  

And that's about it.  Yeah, I thought I'd have something more interesting to say too.  Think of this as just an appetizer blog post, with the real entree coming later.  You know, when appetizers are kind of ok and you don't mind that you ordered them and they don't make you un-hungry, they just make you more excited for the main course....right???

Until next time.
The end.