Saturday, October 19, 2013

How the conversation *should* have gone:

Director: Hey! I've got a great concept for your music video!
Her: Awesome, let me hear it!
Director: Ok! First, we're going to have you swing around on a big wrecking ball. Don't worry, it won't knock into anything with you on it....
Her: Hey, that sounds really fun, I used to play on a tire swing when I was little and I loved it! It'll be like I'm a kid all over again!
Director: Great! You're going to be wearing a white wife beater and underwear....
Her:...Um...well, ok, I guess that keeping it simple is good. It's kind of like wearing a swim suit or work out clothes. I'm going to need to have freedom of motion, so ok...
Director: And then we'll also have you be naked...
Her: Naked?
Director: On the wrecking ball.
Her: Wait, WHAT? Naked?! On construction equipment? I don't think so -- Is that even hygienic? Ew, think of the dust....No, that's just not cool.
Director: Ok, ok, wait, but it's symbolic to your lyrics!
Her: You're supposed to be the creative guy, can't you think of anything else symbolic than being naked on a wrecking ball? That's not gonna fly. I'm not going to be naked straddling a wrecking ball. Nope. Gross.
Director: Well...what if we give you a sledge hammer too?
Her: I don't see how that really makes it better....buuuut....will I get to break stuff with it, though?
Director: Yeah! You can totally break stuff!!
Her: Ok...breaking stuff is cool...
Director: And also you can, like, sing to it and kind of, um, dance... on it...
Her: Wha....
Director: Like a microphone on a stand or something. You know, just sing to it.....and stuff.......
Her: Do I still get to hit things with it?
Director: Oh yeah, of course!
Her:.... Ok, I'm still listening....
Director: And you....I don't know.... lick the sledge hammer? You know, I think that would really, um, really, *resonate* with your audience.
Her: Me licking a sledgehammer?
Director: Yeah
Her: With my audience of teenagers?
Director:..... yeah...
Her: Wtf? What planet do you come from that this concept makes sense? No. I'm not, licking a sledgehammer. Not gonna do it....
Director: Wait wait wait, but these are good ideas! Just hear me out!
Her: No, you're crazy....
Director: And we want to give you long blindingly white acrylic nails....
Her: That's it. This is ridiculous, I'm out of here. *throws something, storms out*

The end.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Impulse Buying?


This was waiting for me when I got home last night. 

I'm *pretty* sure I know why mom left it for me....

But all I can think is "I have those shoes....I don't have those other shoes....I have shoes like those....Oo!  I *want* those shoes!..."

The end

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Obligatory New Year's post: 

 Wow, in 2012 stuff happened, and then some other things happened! Some were things that I didn't want to happen and some were things that I did want to happen, and some were things that I never expected to happen. It was a year! And it made me feel different ways. Probably in 2013, more things will happen, and some will be different stuff and probably some will be the same or similar stuff.  Most likely I will also make a list of things that I think would be a good idea to do and may or may not follow through with those things. I have emotion in anticipation of 2013 and the things that may or may not happen!!!

Be safe and happy New Year, everyone!