Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ghostie Story

Several years ago, one summer night, I had to stay up late for my friend to stop by and pick something up.  My aunt was staying over and we didn't have a guest room at that time so she was sleeping on the couch in the living room (right near the front door).  I sat alone on the steps waiting for my friend to show up -- I only had the upstairs hall light on because I didn't want to wake up my aunt.  So about 11pm my friend comes, we chat, she leaves.  I had to shower, so I jump in and about halfway through our dog (who was kept in the kitchen overnight) starts barking (he was a large golden retriever-type).  Since I believe that our house is so old it MUST be haunted, I started thinking "oh crap, there's a ghost and the dog's barking at the ghost, what if I see it, oh no!".  And I freaked myself out.  I got myself to believe that when I opened the shower curtain there would be a ghost standing there.  

Of course, when I opened the curtain, there wasn't anyone there.  In my head I thought "There's no one [there]" (literally the words).  So I got ready for bed, brushed my teeth and headed up the stairs.  I walked down the upstairs hallway and towards my room, which was at the front of the house.  

No sooner had I literally put one foot over the threshold than I hear a whisper "There IS someone, there IS someone!".  I grabbed onto the door frame because I almost fell over and I know I made some really strange strangled noise -- not a scream or a yell but just a *noise*.  I quickly glanced around my room to figure out if one of my brothers was hiding in there to freak me out.  But how could the voice I heard say "there is someone" -- a perfect response to what I had been telling myself earlier "there's no one".?????  I was freaking out!







As I inhaled and tried to steady myself, I heard the voice again.  I located it.  It was outside.  My brother had apparently locked himself out of the house and he and his friend were trying to figure out how to get in.  They saw me in the window and said "Look!  There's someone".  I yelled out the window at them and then went downstairs to let them in.  *sigh*  It was SO freaky!  The next night my aunt made fun of me and told me not to go in the kitchen because the ghost might be there.  I knew she was joking but I still got nervous going in there.

I still totally believe my house is haunted!!!

The end

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How is it May already?

Well apparently when I started this blog I didn't realize how difficult it would be to maintain it when I travel for my job on a regular basis (and when my pet laptop is old and decrepit).  So I apologize.  I promise to make it up to you, some how, some way.  I can't believe it's May already!  None of the places I've been in the past two weeks have felt like May.  It was 47 degrees out and raining when I was in Dallas, then I went home to upstate NY and it was 47 degrees and raining.  Then I went to St Louis and it was 47 degrees and raining.  Now I'm in Chicago and it's not raining...but it's still 47 degrees.  Global warming, HA!

In other news, today I re-watched "The Devil Wears Prada" and it's one of my favorite movies of all time.  It makes me want to spend two hours doing my hair and make up in a way that nothing else can (not even auditions or fancy dress parties).  Unfortunately I am two things -- lazy and sucky at being a girl.  I'd rather sleep an extra two hours than get up early to do hair and maintenance AND I don't *really* know how to use a blow dryer/curling iron/hair straightener/root lifter/hair spray/eyelash curler.  So I would fail miserably at attempting to be Miranda's assistant, were I ever to be put in a "Devil Wears Prada"-type situation, and that would be sad.  But probably mildly amusing.

Anyway, enough of my random rambling for tonight.  I will work on more bloggity goodness for you, loyal readers (all two of you) and hopefully it will appear here soon.  Until then, say goodnight Gracie.

The end.