Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How is it May already?

Well apparently when I started this blog I didn't realize how difficult it would be to maintain it when I travel for my job on a regular basis (and when my pet laptop is old and decrepit).  So I apologize.  I promise to make it up to you, some how, some way.  I can't believe it's May already!  None of the places I've been in the past two weeks have felt like May.  It was 47 degrees out and raining when I was in Dallas, then I went home to upstate NY and it was 47 degrees and raining.  Then I went to St Louis and it was 47 degrees and raining.  Now I'm in Chicago and it's not raining...but it's still 47 degrees.  Global warming, HA!

In other news, today I re-watched "The Devil Wears Prada" and it's one of my favorite movies of all time.  It makes me want to spend two hours doing my hair and make up in a way that nothing else can (not even auditions or fancy dress parties).  Unfortunately I am two things -- lazy and sucky at being a girl.  I'd rather sleep an extra two hours than get up early to do hair and maintenance AND I don't *really* know how to use a blow dryer/curling iron/hair straightener/root lifter/hair spray/eyelash curler.  So I would fail miserably at attempting to be Miranda's assistant, were I ever to be put in a "Devil Wears Prada"-type situation, and that would be sad.  But probably mildly amusing.

Anyway, enough of my random rambling for tonight.  I will work on more bloggity goodness for you, loyal readers (all two of you) and hopefully it will appear here soon.  Until then, say goodnight Gracie.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a (semi) loyal reader, I really am!

    Why are you in Chicago?

