Wednesday, July 21, 2021

 My So-Called 2021 Life

Part I

Originally posted on facebook April 5, 2021

I mean, if you didn't work a super busy trunk show wedding dress sale, then live stream on twitch that night, fly to the UK the next day (for two weeks), spend 10 days in self-isolation causing you to miss your uncle's funeral (which I had assumed I would miss), give yourself three Covid tests, have the airline cancel your flight home for no reason and have to buy a one way return ticket that was nearly as much as the original round trip ticket (after having been unemployed for a year), almost lose $300 (200 pounds) when it falls out of your pocket on literally the ONLY day you've been out of the house/garden to go to a store, then find out another friend died of cancer (sixth friend to die since Dec 23) on the same day you spread your uncle's ashes in his garden, fly home and begin a 23+ hour drive to Texas the next day to do a virtual workshop on Friday and open a festival (with solid and appreciated pandemic restrictions) that Saturday, then what even are you doing with your life?
No need to comment or whatever
Edited to add that this the explanation for me not responding to any recent texts or messages.

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