Tuesday, February 8, 2011

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 1

So I grew up in upstate New York and my best friend in college went to school in Southern PA.  Her birthday happened to fall during my spring break every year, so I'd drive home to my parents' and then drive straight south on route 15 to visit her at college.  Every year for four years I passed signs for a magical place called ReptiLand but I never went.  Since college I've driven south on route 15 though Allentown several times, and I keep seeing those signs, every time saying "I should go, I bet it's awesome".  But I never went.  Those signs haunted my dreams.  What kind of wonders could be in store for me at ReptiLand?  I wanted to go see ReptiLand.  I *needed* to go see ReptiLand.  

Finally I made the decision.  I knew I was going to pass ReptiLand while driving back north.  I was going to follow my heart and go see the reptiles.  I was SO EXCITED.  Here's what I saw on my visit....

 I am SO EXCITED!!!!

There's a brochure and I'm totally excited

I got a handstamp and EVERYTHING  
Just in case you were wondering....

First thing was the building with the gianormous alligators.  They were so totally cool!!!
Alligators!!! (I'm pointing just in case you can't see them)

Me and the alligators are best buds

They're big. Really big.

You are officially warned!

This is me reading the previous warning sign...   
So there are a ton of pictures of ReptiLand but to post them all on one blog entry would make an epicly long blog entry and I think that's too much to handle (plus I'm tired right now and I want to go to bed).  So that's all you get for now.  But if you're really good, maybe tomorrow I will post some more.  Actually, I probably will post some more because I don't have to go to work tomorrow and will spend all day watching tv (Law & Order Marathon probably.  Or Tabitha's Salon Takeover if I'm lucky) and being on the internet.  Hopefully my formatting of the blog will be a little cleaned up because I just looked at the preview of this entry and it's a little weird.  So I apologize for that.  Anyway.  ReptiLand is awesome and you should go!!!  

The end.

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