Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 2

 The second installment of pictures from my visit to ReptiLand!!!!!! in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  I know you guys were all on the edges of your respective seats waiting.  But wait no longer!  For here are the pictures!!!!!!!

There was a posse of tortoises!!

Just when you thought they couldn't get bigger!

Me and a tortoise

Snapping turtle

Never ever ever do this if you see a snapping turtle. Ever. Seriously, ever.  

He's so cute. He's thinking!

I'm thinking too

He was not impressed.

I forget what they are but they're weird lookin'. And I kind of love them.

He's trying to fly, it was funny.

You, too, can build a gecko!!!  (Just touch the screen to start -- except not your computer screen because it probably won't work)

This is the gecko I built. His name is Horatio (he's blurry because he was moving)

Heh heh heh

He was brooding, probably because he has gas

This place is full of warnings! (see the alligator warning in Part 1)  And I'm not *that* desperate.... really....

Poisonous frogs are pretty colors!
And they look like toys.
Part 3 will be the snake part, but I thought I'd give you a little *taste* of what's yet to come with the above picture.  Ya see what I did there?  Taste?  Heh.  Ahhh, I crack me up.  Anyway, stay tuned for the slithery part of ReptiLand, coming soon to a computer near you!

The end.

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