Thursday, March 10, 2011

An emaily rant rant

I was recently contacted by someone who wanted to set up a photo shoot with me.  Great!  I love it when people want to set up shoots!  He emailed me twice in one day (the second time was before I had even read his first email.  The second one also seemed like a form letter).  I didn't get a chance to email him right back, and he emailed me the next day.  The day after that I emailed him asking what he had in mind for a shoot.  He emailed me back a list of *all* the things he usually shoots (another form letter?) and before I had a chance to respond the next day, he sent ANOTHER email saying how he's excited to set up a shoot and asking when's good.  I'm thinkin, wow this guy is pushy but ok, whatever.  

So I email him back and say when I can shoot and all that.  He emails me back a week later with some more details.  I respond saying that I have x day and time available and can pencil it in and he can let me know if it works.  He emails me another week later saying "how are we on setting up a shoot?".    I respond the next day saying when I'm available that week, asking some specific questions about pay, and style of shoot.  Then I don't hear from him for 13 days and all he says in his next email is "how about this Saturday?".  Dude!  Now, I will completely admit that I don't always respond to emails right when I get them (in fact, it's fairly rare that I immediately hit respond).  But dude, seriously, don't email me and pester me and then when I ask you specific questions ignore them or don't respond for two weeks.  This kinda stuff makes me so frustrated!!!

Anyway, end rant.

The end

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