Sunday, March 13, 2011

Needy Texting

I love texting.  Really love it.  Really.  And I can text freakin' fast. (and without looking at my fingers because I have skillz)  But if you text me 5 times in 30 seconds with two word phrases, I will NOT be able to respond to you and I will just get pissed b/c I have to save the response text to your first message to go look at your second and third and make sure there's no pertinent information I need to respond to in those texts, and then go back to the original response and continue that only to have you text me AGAIN before I'm done so I have to go check THAT freakin' text. 

The situation that sparks this rant:
My friend: text 1 at 11:25
Friend: text 2 at 11:25
Me: start to respond
Friend: text 3 at 11:26
Me: have to go back and look at his 3rd text in case I have to respond to that
Friend: text 4 at 11:26
Friend:  text 5 at 11:26
Me: I FINALLY get a chance to send my response
Friend: text 6 at 11:27
Me: I start to type the response to that
Friend: text 7 at 11:27
Friend:  text 8 at 11:27
Me: I finally can respond
Friend: text 9 at 11:29
Friend:  text 10 at 11:29
Friend: text 11 at 11:30
Friend: text 12 at 11:30
Me: I make my friend wait for a response :-)

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