Saturday, March 5, 2011

Independently Wealthy

I'm certain I will be rich some day.  Whether it's from a random check that comes unexpectedly in the mail (I ask my mom every day if there's a check for me) or whether money just starts falling out of the sky on me, it WILL happen.  I don't know when, and I don't know how, but soon, and for the rest of my life....

So right now I'm going to regale you with the list of many of the things I'm going to learn how to do when I'm rich (I have to wait till I'm rich because many of these require lessons/training that I'll have to pay for)(Also I have decided this would be a good post to explore italics).  Here goes....
I will learn to....
  • Tap Dance
  • Speak fluent French
  • Speak fluent Spanish
  • (at least read) Latin
  • Play the cello
  • Ballet (pointe!)
  • Irish Dance
  • Card tricks
  • Make./Crochet Lace
  • Do good make up
  • Be a massage therapist
  • Get a PhD in Philosophy
  • Appraise antiques
  • Belly Dance
  • Pole Dance
  • Do Aerial Silks
  • Be an acrobat
  • Be a mime
  • Make tomato soup with goat cheese
  • Make cool foods that I will know so well that I won't even need to use a recipe for 
  • Ice skate
  • Do Magic tricks
  • Do American Sign Language
  • Play the ukelele
  • Fancy hula hoop stuff
  • Knit wearable things besides hats and scarves (I can't even make hats yet though)
  • Face Paint coolness
  • Make jelly/jam
  • Mediate
  • Speak a lot of other cool languages
  • Drive in the UK
  • Do a handstand
  • Be a clown
  • Drive a horse-drawn cart
  • Make Crewel embroidery
  • [some other cool things]
 I'm going to learn how to do so much cool stuff when I'm rich!!!  It's going to be great!  I'm super excited already!  Yay!

The End.

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