Monday, February 28, 2011

Least Exciting Post Ever

So this week I have only "on call" hours at my job -- I work at a portrait studio and hours are scheduled based on how many appointments we have.  My manager (who is pretty awesome) schedules someone "on call" for every day, in case more appointments get booked between when she makes the schedule and when the day comes.  So all my hours are "on call", and there are hardly any appointments so it doesn't look like I'll be going in.  Also other part time job only uses me on Sundays, so I won't be going in there for another week.  This makes me (and my bank account) sad.

However, this comes on the heels of a couple weeks where I had many hours (between the studio and training at the new part job).  So my internets communications and my room cleaning and my laundry doing activities have all fallen behind. I spent much of yesterday thinking "wow, I'm going to have most of the week free to get work done!  Wee!!".  Right now it's 3:23 in the afternoon and what have I done today?  Well, I had a wonderful brunch with a friend....and I'm writing this post......and.....I ate some cookies.....and that's about it.  This is not a good start to the week.  I didn't even work out today.  Or fold the laundry I did yesterday.  I fail.  I'm excited for when I get rich and can pay someone to motivate me to get things done (or pay someone to hide the remote so that I can't watch tv).  I just need some help getting started sometimes....

But wait!  There's still several hours left in the day -- some of them even before sunset!  If I get off the couch *right now* I should be able to accomplish something.  Right?   RIGHT??  So who's with me? 



[grabs the remote]
[flips the channels]

Hmm, Judge Judy's almost on......

The End

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