Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's my Age Again?

Last year I hit a birthday milestone.  I'm not going to tell you what it was -- a lady never tells.  (HAHAHAHAHA I just called myself a "lady"!!).  But let's just say it was not a milestone that I was thrilled to hit because I'm a girl and girls have problems with age...


When people ask me my age I tell them to guess.  Partly because I hate being this old, and partly because it's funny for me to see what they think.  I generally get mid-20's, give or take, which is fine with me because that's younger than what my age is.  Occasionally people will hit the nail on the head and guess correctly, which is also fine with me.  Last spring I bought a lottery ticket, the scenario went like this: 

Me: I'd like to buy a quick pick for the mega millions.
Cashier:  Ok [turns to get it][turns back][looks at me suspiciously]..... you're old enough, right?
Me:  Um.....yes, haha.

Then I got the ticket (I didn't win).  You wanna think I'm under 18, that's a-ok with me!

At one of my jobs last Sunday I was talking to a customer about my new hair colour (I just dyed it maroon-y reddish brown.  It's pretty).  The customer told me about all the crazy styles she used to wear when she was younger and all the colours she dyed her hair and everything, when she was "my age".  Then she said "I assume you're in your early twenties?".  Wrong, but I'll take it.  We laughed, I thanked her.

I think you get the idea.

So yesterday I went with my friend to a clinic so she could get blood drawn.  It was about 3:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday.  My friend and I are sitting in the waiting room after she had the blood taken and the nurse comes out to check on her and apparently she thought my friend (who's 23) should have been in school and had asked her why she wasn't.  We kind of chuckled about that.  Maybe she could pass for 18 -- but she's also one of those people who give off an air of maturity/responsibility that's older than she is, so I don't know if I ever would have mistaken her for 18.  Then the nurse turned to me and says "Oh, are you her mother?"  Yeah, that would make me, what, almost 40?  How can I be mistaken for my early 20's on Sunday and then mistaken for 40 on Tuesday?  I must've had a rough couple of days....

The end.

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