Thursday, February 3, 2011

Coke Disaster

So I'm totally addicted to Coke*.  If you want to get to know me, this is something you accept.  I don't drink it 24/7 but I drink more of it than I should.  I wish I could stop but it's just so delicious!

This is the story of my Coke Disaster (dun dun dunnnnnnnn)

So I went out to the mudroom (side room where we have boots and gardening stuff) to get my Coke. We keep them all out there b/c otherwise our fridge would be overflowing with drink but not with food. And I discovered that --disaster-- my bottle of Coke was FROZEN!!! Noooooooo!!!!!

So I decide I *must* go to the gas station to get a new bottle of Coke (because I'm not patient enough to wait for the Coke to defrost). And I buy the bottle of Coke but then I realize that they have fountain drinks there! And so I decide to get a fountain drink because sometimes Coke just tastes better coming out of a soda fountain and through a straw rather than drinking it out of the bottle. 

So I get a Pepsi out of the fountain. Because Pepsi in the bottle always gets warm too fast but Pepsi from the machine doesn't and you can add more ice. (And I also didn't see the "Coke" button till it was too late.)  And I get home and take the first sip and (horror of horrors) it seems as though the pop hook ups at the gas station were switched (because the soda fountain at the gas station is ALWAYS messed up, no matter where you go.  The tubes are always connected to the wrong buttons or they have that one universal pop nozzle and you press different buttons but you always get the remnants of whatever the customer before you got because there's still some of their icky flavor of pop in the tubes). Anyway, I take the first sip and realize that I am now drinking Cherry freakin Pepsi. 

This pisses me off. Wtf? I want straight Pepsi not lame flavored Pepsi. But I'm still drinking it.  Because Cherry Pepsi pretty much tastes like Cherry Sprite. Which to me is very strange because they're two totally different drinks.  Very strange, and mildly concerning.  Pepsi and Sprite don't taste the same, why do Cherry Pepsi and Cherry Sprite taste the same?  Anyway.  I don't want to dump it out because I paid for it and I don't have a lot of extra money to go buy delicious fountain drinks and then pour them out. But a little bit of my soul dies with each sip through the straw because I'm mildly morally opposed to Cherry Pepsi or Cherry Coke. (Don't ask why).  But I drink it anyway. And then when I'm finally done I dump my bottle of Coke into to the heavy duty "Avalanche" cup from the gas station. Because Coke through a straw is more delicious than Coke from the bottle.  And it is the BEST coke I've ever tasted.....

The end.

*Coca Cola, not the other kind.  Just wanted to be specific.

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