Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oh so lazy

I just talked to my best friend on the phone for over an hour.  She was cleaning her house while we were talking and at one point I was like "I love how you're being productive while we're talking on the phone and I'm just sitting on the couch" because I thought it was funny.  So she said that I should go clean too and then we'll both be being productive (she's smart like that).  So I was like "hmm..that makes sense," because I like multi-tasking and talking on the phone while cleaning seems like doing more than one productive thing at once.  

So I started laundry and then went to work on my room.  And it was all good until my friend realized that it was almost 11 and she had to go bring lunch to her husband at work.  And I was like "oh yeah, I'm hungry too!".  So we get off the phone with me having every intention of eating something but first I jump on facebook to just check if anything fun has happened.  And the tv is on.  So now I'm sitting on the couch and the kitchen (where the food is) is so far away that I don't want to go get anything to eat.  I should really get a snack and go back to cleaning my room.  Especially because I've seen this episode of Law & Order SVU about 10 times, so it's not even an episode that I'm interested in.  Or I could go out and get the mail (maybe there's a check in there for me from something random that I don't expect).  But to get the mail I'd have to shovel the walk up to the road and we got, like, 5 inches of snow last night.  Which means I'd have to put on a coat and gloves and boots and everything.  That's an awful lot of effort and I don't wanna get up.  Actually, I would get up if we had some candy somewhere in the house, but we don't....  *sigh*.  Well, at least I've updated my blog for today, that's productive right?....Right???

The end.


  1. Wow, that friend of yours sounds super-duper smart. you should, like, totally hang out with her more!

  2. It's true, that friend of mine is pretty super-duper smart. She's also a big dork. But that's why I like her.
