Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Very First!

Omg guys.  I made a blog.  I've been talking about it, for, like, a week.  And now I'm writing one.  Which is pretty epic considering the number of things I *talk* about doing but I don't actually do.  

So welcome to my blog!  I hope you find it amusing.  It's going to be about stuff that happens in my life, or things that I think, or things that people want me to write about...you know, pretty much like a normal blog.  Hopefully a funny normal blog.  I've been saying for a couple of years that "I'm hilarious, and someday, people will pay me thousands of dollars to be that".  Well, I'm uncertain if this blog will make me thousands of dollars (if not, maybe the subsequent book of the same title that I've been saying I'm going to write for years will)(Also, apologies in advance, I'm going to probably put ads on this thing.  I'm broke, my car got repo'd and I'm about to declare bankruptcy so every little bit helps.  I'm going to make the ads as unobtrusive as I can)(and while I'm apologizing, I'll probably play with the layout and stuff throughout this thing because I pretty much know nothing fancy about computer programs and I'm still learning. So sorry if you come back some day and it looks like someone else has moved in.  It'll still be me, I promise, I'm just taste testing the decor).

Ummmm, what else.  That might be it for my first post.  Don't wanna go overboard or anything.  Just funny enough to get you to come back.  But not too funny so you're like "well, that's probably the peak of her funny, it's all downhill from here".  And that would be sad.

Oh hey wait, before I go -- can I just tell you, the font for my title bar or whatever is called *Mountains of Christmas*.  Mountains.  Of freakin CHRISTMAS.  That's pretty epicly cool.  Also cool because my birthday is on Christmas.  For reals.  That's it.  I just wanted to leave you with that.  Mountains.  Of.  Christmas.

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