Thursday, February 24, 2011

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 3: The Final Chapter

We all enjoyed the colorful pictures of ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 1 and the hilarious witticisms of ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 2, now NikkiNine and the people living in her head bring you the moment you've all been waiting for: ReptiLand!!!!!!!!!!! Part 3: The Final Snake-Filled Chapter! (cue theme music)....


A Cobra!

I have a strange feeling there's something dangerous behind me...


Some snakes come in pretty colors..... yellow

....and white......

....and orange....

I forget his name, but he was cute.


I'm excited AND scared!

There were....emu???

I'm *pretty sure* that an emu is *not* a reptile...

I tried to feed him. He was not amused.

This one was more interested.  I named him Reginald.

Reginald ate some food. Out of my HAND

I decided that emus are ok after all! (even if they're not reptiles)

There was an (awesome) educational show in here

snake skeleton in the ceiling!!!

Dinosaur fossils!!! Ok, well, reptile fossils.... ok, probably not fossils at all. But they're still cool!!!!

flying turtle skeleton!!!

American alligator, three years old

Omg I got to touch it!!!!!

Boa constrictor

I got to touch this one too!!!!

Revisiting the alligators from Part 1....Just in case you weren't sure how big these things really were....
The End.

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