Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quasi-retorical Questions

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you're moving through jello?  Or honey?  Or peanut butter?  (and not in a fun way).  

That's today for me.  I mean, I went to work today (yay!  I only get about two shifts a week, so even a little work is good work), but now I'm home and all I want to do is sit around.  I don't have a lot of big stuff to get done -- just answer some emails, answer a few craigslist ads, fold my laundry, print some song lyrics and download some music.  But I just don't want to do any of it.  The emails and the craigslist ads are easy.  But why do they seem like this laborious task?  It's so strange.  

Tomorrow night I have a rehearsal for a band that I might join and there are probably about 7 songs that I should really put some time into learning before I go.  I've put it off for a couple of days -- but why?  I'm only shooting myself in the foot -- now I have to spend all day tomorrow learning them.  I *could* get started this evening before I go out, but I'm not.  I'm so lame.  I wish that motivation came in bottled form.  Or better yet, in candy form.  I'd have SO MUCH motivation!!!  Speaking of candy, it's after Valentine's day, I wonder how much clearance candy there is.  Hmmm...field trip for tomorrow (after I learn my music, of course).

The End.

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