Friday, February 11, 2011

Movies and Money

So I have come to the conclusion that if I could just make one movie and get paid a couple million dollars for my rolet, I'd be set for life.  It doesn't even matter if the movie is the worst movie in the history of movies.  I'd still get a paycheck of a couple million dollars.  Like 2.  2 million dollars.  After paying off all my debt (there's a LOT of it) and my parents' debt and my brothers' debt, I'd buy myself a couple things (new car, vintage tenor saxophone, fuzzy pink unicorn featured in the post It's so fuzzy I'm gonna die!), then put the rest in several high interest savings accounts.  

One of my friends said "you'd run out of money, before you know it, you'd start buying things that cost a lot of money.  People buy houses and cars and all kinds of things".  But the cool thing about me is that I don't have any place I *really* want to live, so I'm not going to buy a house. So there goes that expense (and all the property taxes and upkeep expenses to go along with it).  And because I wouldn't have a house, I'd have no place to put cars.  So I really only need one and what I really want is either a Toyota Matrix or a Rav4, which are not expensive cars in the grand scheme of cars.  So there goes that expense.  

So yeah, I've got it all figured out.  Now all I need to do is be a waitress in a random diner where some random director who needs a 5'4" redhead happens to eat brunch one day, and then I wait on him and I make a funny quip about something that catches his attention and then he's like "hmmm, I need a 5'4" redhead for my upcoming feature film '[title here]', this girl is funny and relatively cute, she'd be perfect for the quirky sidekick of the lead" and then he asks me to audition, but before I even say two lines from the screenplay, he's like "omg you're hired" and then I have a couple whirlwind weeks learning whatever skill my character happens to have (I hope it's tap dancing.  And speaking fluent French), and then a couple whirlwind months of filming and then I get a big fat paycheck and live happily ever after. :-D

The end.

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