Monday, February 28, 2011

Least Exciting Post Ever

So this week I have only "on call" hours at my job -- I work at a portrait studio and hours are scheduled based on how many appointments we have.  My manager (who is pretty awesome) schedules someone "on call" for every day, in case more appointments get booked between when she makes the schedule and when the day comes.  So all my hours are "on call", and there are hardly any appointments so it doesn't look like I'll be going in.  Also other part time job only uses me on Sundays, so I won't be going in there for another week.  This makes me (and my bank account) sad.

However, this comes on the heels of a couple weeks where I had many hours (between the studio and training at the new part job).  So my internets communications and my room cleaning and my laundry doing activities have all fallen behind. I spent much of yesterday thinking "wow, I'm going to have most of the week free to get work done!  Wee!!".  Right now it's 3:23 in the afternoon and what have I done today?  Well, I had a wonderful brunch with a friend....and I'm writing this post......and.....I ate some cookies.....and that's about it.  This is not a good start to the week.  I didn't even work out today.  Or fold the laundry I did yesterday.  I fail.  I'm excited for when I get rich and can pay someone to motivate me to get things done (or pay someone to hide the remote so that I can't watch tv).  I just need some help getting started sometimes....

But wait!  There's still several hours left in the day -- some of them even before sunset!  If I get off the couch *right now* I should be able to accomplish something.  Right?   RIGHT??  So who's with me? 



[grabs the remote]
[flips the channels]

Hmm, Judge Judy's almost on......

The End

Thursday, February 24, 2011

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 3: The Final Chapter

We all enjoyed the colorful pictures of ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 1 and the hilarious witticisms of ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 2, now NikkiNine and the people living in her head bring you the moment you've all been waiting for: ReptiLand!!!!!!!!!!! Part 3: The Final Snake-Filled Chapter! (cue theme music)....


A Cobra!

I have a strange feeling there's something dangerous behind me...


Some snakes come in pretty colors..... yellow

....and white......

....and orange....

I forget his name, but he was cute.


I'm excited AND scared!

There were....emu???

I'm *pretty sure* that an emu is *not* a reptile...

I tried to feed him. He was not amused.

This one was more interested.  I named him Reginald.

Reginald ate some food. Out of my HAND

I decided that emus are ok after all! (even if they're not reptiles)

There was an (awesome) educational show in here

snake skeleton in the ceiling!!!

Dinosaur fossils!!! Ok, well, reptile fossils.... ok, probably not fossils at all. But they're still cool!!!!

flying turtle skeleton!!!

American alligator, three years old

Omg I got to touch it!!!!!

Boa constrictor

I got to touch this one too!!!!

Revisiting the alligators from Part 1....Just in case you weren't sure how big these things really were....
The End.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's my Age Again?

Last year I hit a birthday milestone.  I'm not going to tell you what it was -- a lady never tells.  (HAHAHAHAHA I just called myself a "lady"!!).  But let's just say it was not a milestone that I was thrilled to hit because I'm a girl and girls have problems with age...


When people ask me my age I tell them to guess.  Partly because I hate being this old, and partly because it's funny for me to see what they think.  I generally get mid-20's, give or take, which is fine with me because that's younger than what my age is.  Occasionally people will hit the nail on the head and guess correctly, which is also fine with me.  Last spring I bought a lottery ticket, the scenario went like this: 

Me: I'd like to buy a quick pick for the mega millions.
Cashier:  Ok [turns to get it][turns back][looks at me suspiciously]..... you're old enough, right?
Me:  Um.....yes, haha.

Then I got the ticket (I didn't win).  You wanna think I'm under 18, that's a-ok with me!

At one of my jobs last Sunday I was talking to a customer about my new hair colour (I just dyed it maroon-y reddish brown.  It's pretty).  The customer told me about all the crazy styles she used to wear when she was younger and all the colours she dyed her hair and everything, when she was "my age".  Then she said "I assume you're in your early twenties?".  Wrong, but I'll take it.  We laughed, I thanked her.

I think you get the idea.

So yesterday I went with my friend to a clinic so she could get blood drawn.  It was about 3:00 in the afternoon on a Tuesday.  My friend and I are sitting in the waiting room after she had the blood taken and the nurse comes out to check on her and apparently she thought my friend (who's 23) should have been in school and had asked her why she wasn't.  We kind of chuckled about that.  Maybe she could pass for 18 -- but she's also one of those people who give off an air of maturity/responsibility that's older than she is, so I don't know if I ever would have mistaken her for 18.  Then the nurse turned to me and says "Oh, are you her mother?"  Yeah, that would make me, what, almost 40?  How can I be mistaken for my early 20's on Sunday and then mistaken for 40 on Tuesday?  I must've had a rough couple of days....

The end.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quasi-retorical Questions

Do you ever have those days where you feel like you're moving through jello?  Or honey?  Or peanut butter?  (and not in a fun way).  

That's today for me.  I mean, I went to work today (yay!  I only get about two shifts a week, so even a little work is good work), but now I'm home and all I want to do is sit around.  I don't have a lot of big stuff to get done -- just answer some emails, answer a few craigslist ads, fold my laundry, print some song lyrics and download some music.  But I just don't want to do any of it.  The emails and the craigslist ads are easy.  But why do they seem like this laborious task?  It's so strange.  

Tomorrow night I have a rehearsal for a band that I might join and there are probably about 7 songs that I should really put some time into learning before I go.  I've put it off for a couple of days -- but why?  I'm only shooting myself in the foot -- now I have to spend all day tomorrow learning them.  I *could* get started this evening before I go out, but I'm not.  I'm so lame.  I wish that motivation came in bottled form.  Or better yet, in candy form.  I'd have SO MUCH motivation!!!  Speaking of candy, it's after Valentine's day, I wonder how much clearance candy there is.  Hmmm...field trip for tomorrow (after I learn my music, of course).

The End.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

This is my Valentine's Day present for all of you....

This is my love lobster (you can tell because he has a tag that says "love lobster").  His name is Schneider.  

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you get lots of candy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Movies and Money

So I have come to the conclusion that if I could just make one movie and get paid a couple million dollars for my rolet, I'd be set for life.  It doesn't even matter if the movie is the worst movie in the history of movies.  I'd still get a paycheck of a couple million dollars.  Like 2.  2 million dollars.  After paying off all my debt (there's a LOT of it) and my parents' debt and my brothers' debt, I'd buy myself a couple things (new car, vintage tenor saxophone, fuzzy pink unicorn featured in the post It's so fuzzy I'm gonna die!), then put the rest in several high interest savings accounts.  

One of my friends said "you'd run out of money, before you know it, you'd start buying things that cost a lot of money.  People buy houses and cars and all kinds of things".  But the cool thing about me is that I don't have any place I *really* want to live, so I'm not going to buy a house. So there goes that expense (and all the property taxes and upkeep expenses to go along with it).  And because I wouldn't have a house, I'd have no place to put cars.  So I really only need one and what I really want is either a Toyota Matrix or a Rav4, which are not expensive cars in the grand scheme of cars.  So there goes that expense.  

So yeah, I've got it all figured out.  Now all I need to do is be a waitress in a random diner where some random director who needs a 5'4" redhead happens to eat brunch one day, and then I wait on him and I make a funny quip about something that catches his attention and then he's like "hmmm, I need a 5'4" redhead for my upcoming feature film '[title here]', this girl is funny and relatively cute, she'd be perfect for the quirky sidekick of the lead" and then he asks me to audition, but before I even say two lines from the screenplay, he's like "omg you're hired" and then I have a couple whirlwind weeks learning whatever skill my character happens to have (I hope it's tap dancing.  And speaking fluent French), and then a couple whirlwind months of filming and then I get a big fat paycheck and live happily ever after. :-D

The end.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 2

 The second installment of pictures from my visit to ReptiLand!!!!!! in Allentown, Pennsylvania.  I know you guys were all on the edges of your respective seats waiting.  But wait no longer!  For here are the pictures!!!!!!!

There was a posse of tortoises!!

Just when you thought they couldn't get bigger!

Me and a tortoise

Snapping turtle

Never ever ever do this if you see a snapping turtle. Ever. Seriously, ever.  

He's so cute. He's thinking!

I'm thinking too

He was not impressed.

I forget what they are but they're weird lookin'. And I kind of love them.

He's trying to fly, it was funny.

You, too, can build a gecko!!!  (Just touch the screen to start -- except not your computer screen because it probably won't work)

This is the gecko I built. His name is Horatio (he's blurry because he was moving)

Heh heh heh

He was brooding, probably because he has gas

This place is full of warnings! (see the alligator warning in Part 1)  And I'm not *that* desperate.... really....

Poisonous frogs are pretty colors!
And they look like toys.
Part 3 will be the snake part, but I thought I'd give you a little *taste* of what's yet to come with the above picture.  Ya see what I did there?  Taste?  Heh.  Ahhh, I crack me up.  Anyway, stay tuned for the slithery part of ReptiLand, coming soon to a computer near you!

The end.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's so fuzzy I'm gonna die!

I saw this just now in the grocery store and thought just in case anyone wanted to get me a Valentine's Day present, this fuzzy pink unicorn would pretty much be the best present ever:

Just sayin' :-)

Also the movie Death Race is on tv right now and Jason Statham is quite possibly the hottest man alive.  I love this movie *sigh**drool*

The end.

Oh so lazy

I just talked to my best friend on the phone for over an hour.  She was cleaning her house while we were talking and at one point I was like "I love how you're being productive while we're talking on the phone and I'm just sitting on the couch" because I thought it was funny.  So she said that I should go clean too and then we'll both be being productive (she's smart like that).  So I was like "hmm..that makes sense," because I like multi-tasking and talking on the phone while cleaning seems like doing more than one productive thing at once.  

So I started laundry and then went to work on my room.  And it was all good until my friend realized that it was almost 11 and she had to go bring lunch to her husband at work.  And I was like "oh yeah, I'm hungry too!".  So we get off the phone with me having every intention of eating something but first I jump on facebook to just check if anything fun has happened.  And the tv is on.  So now I'm sitting on the couch and the kitchen (where the food is) is so far away that I don't want to go get anything to eat.  I should really get a snack and go back to cleaning my room.  Especially because I've seen this episode of Law & Order SVU about 10 times, so it's not even an episode that I'm interested in.  Or I could go out and get the mail (maybe there's a check in there for me from something random that I don't expect).  But to get the mail I'd have to shovel the walk up to the road and we got, like, 5 inches of snow last night.  Which means I'd have to put on a coat and gloves and boots and everything.  That's an awful lot of effort and I don't wanna get up.  Actually, I would get up if we had some candy somewhere in the house, but we don't....  *sigh*.  Well, at least I've updated my blog for today, that's productive right?....Right???

The end.

ReptiLand!!!!!!!!! Part 1

So I grew up in upstate New York and my best friend in college went to school in Southern PA.  Her birthday happened to fall during my spring break every year, so I'd drive home to my parents' and then drive straight south on route 15 to visit her at college.  Every year for four years I passed signs for a magical place called ReptiLand but I never went.  Since college I've driven south on route 15 though Allentown several times, and I keep seeing those signs, every time saying "I should go, I bet it's awesome".  But I never went.  Those signs haunted my dreams.  What kind of wonders could be in store for me at ReptiLand?  I wanted to go see ReptiLand.  I *needed* to go see ReptiLand.  

Finally I made the decision.  I knew I was going to pass ReptiLand while driving back north.  I was going to follow my heart and go see the reptiles.  I was SO EXCITED.  Here's what I saw on my visit....

 I am SO EXCITED!!!!

There's a brochure and I'm totally excited

I got a handstamp and EVERYTHING  
Just in case you were wondering....

First thing was the building with the gianormous alligators.  They were so totally cool!!!
Alligators!!! (I'm pointing just in case you can't see them)

Me and the alligators are best buds

They're big. Really big.

You are officially warned!

This is me reading the previous warning sign...   
So there are a ton of pictures of ReptiLand but to post them all on one blog entry would make an epicly long blog entry and I think that's too much to handle (plus I'm tired right now and I want to go to bed).  So that's all you get for now.  But if you're really good, maybe tomorrow I will post some more.  Actually, I probably will post some more because I don't have to go to work tomorrow and will spend all day watching tv (Law & Order Marathon probably.  Or Tabitha's Salon Takeover if I'm lucky) and being on the internet.  Hopefully my formatting of the blog will be a little cleaned up because I just looked at the preview of this entry and it's a little weird.  So I apologize for that.  Anyway.  ReptiLand is awesome and you should go!!!  

The end.